Press Releases
- 11.20.1996 Sinclair Broadcast Group Announces Key Vendor Agreements
- 11.01.1996 SBGI Reports Record 3rd Qtr Revenue And Broadcast Cash Flow
- 11.01.1996 Sinclair Broadcast Group (SBGI) Reports Record 3rd Qtr Revenue and Broadcast Cash Flow; Announces Withdrawal of Proposed Stock Offering and Considers Stock Purchases
- 10.18.1996 SBGI Discusses Third Quarter 1996 Broadcast Cash Flow
- 07.29.1996 Sinclair Broadcast Group (SBGI) Reports Record 2nd Qtr Results Net Broadcast Revenues up 48% — Operating Cash Flow up 37%
- 07.09.1996 Sinclair Broadcast Group Completes Field Testing of Multiple High Speed Wireless Internet Broadcasting System
- 06.03.1996 Sinclair Completes Acquisition of River City
- 05.14.1996 Sinclair Broadcast Group is Step Closer to Closing the River City Broadcasting Acquisition
- 05.13.1996 Sinclair Broadcast Group is a Step Closer to Closing the River City Broadcasting Acquisition Following AGreement With Department of Justice Regarding the Columbus, Ohio Market
- 03.04.1996 Sinclair Broadcast Group, Inc. (SBG) Entered Into a Purchase Agreement to Aquire the Stock of Superior Communications, Inc.
- 02.14.1996 Sinclair Broadcast Group Reports Record 4th Qtr and 1995 Financial Results Achieves Operation Cashflow Margins in Excess of 56%
- 01.09.1996 Sinclair Broadcast Group (SBGI) Entered Into a Purchase Agreement to Acquire the Assets of WYZZ-TV, Peoria Bloomington, Illinois